What is there left to look forward to?
What else is in store in a life with you?
Would it be like the first light of day?
Made perfect by the breezy sea spray.
Shall it be like a rainbow after rain shower?r
A gentle show of the sun's power.
Are you the joy of a gift newly opened?
Or the wonder of luck that has happened.
Are you the vibrance of a fireworks display?
Or answer to supplication long prayed?
I dare not compare any of these to you.
For your traits I cannot to things imbue
None can compare, no trope will do
None represents your virtues true
I love to be yours and for you to be mine.
I love how our hands and hearts entwine.
I wish for nothing, not treasure nor siren's song
It is simply for your love that I long.
22 May 2012